Band: Mythraeum
Album: Oblivion Aeternam
Genre: Black Metal
Country: USA
Label: M-Theory Audio
Released: June 6th 2024
Mythraeum is a Black Metal Band from the US, focusing lyrically on Spirituality and Nature. Their latest release which we are going to examine now is their second full-length following a series of split releases since their establishment in 2014. They are by far not an unknown band, as they already can cross off a gig at Wacken Open Air from their bucket list. For me, this record was the first time I heard of them, but I was really intrigued by the album cover, leading to the discovery of this great Band.
Oblivion Aeternam
- Dawn of Reckoning
- Crown of Sepsis
- Harbinger’s Chant
- Halls of forgotten Will
- The Hunters Dream
- Halls of Mythras (Reincarnation)
- Terrestrial Despair
- Skies Torn Asunder
- Through the Nether
- Beyond the Void
The intro Dawn of Reckoning starts with a nice string section / ragtime piano raising the expectations for the Album. A great start for a promising time.
Crown of Sepsis kicks in fast and harsh, but except for the vocals and lead parts, is overall highly technical in a more death metal direction like Veil of Pnath. Production quality is pretty good overall, but the song structure is really mixed through with a lot of sweep picking.
Harbinger’s chant has slight piano and choir in the beginning before plunging in a tech-driven riff madness. Overall, a very riff-driven song. The vocals, for me, are quite the highlight for the band as they are very harsh and seem to pack plenty of emotions behind them.
Halls of forgotten, the 4th song, has a very pleasant acoustic intro before the lead guitar takes over again and, for me, personally, steals the show throughout the whole album. But this track then goes into a more traditional Black Metal direction, which I mostly enjoy.
A well written and produced record by a band already proven their capabilities with having the honor of playing in Wacken. If you are a fan of more technicality in Black Metal, I can strongly suggest checking Mythraeum out. For me, the Album is a solid 7/10 with only loosing point because for my personal taste, the shreddy lead guitars pushed the atmosphere quite in to the second row. A “problem” I’ve realized plenty of US Bands encounter with their deep connection to the fantastic and technical death metal scene on their side of the pond. Nonetheless, a great record.
BMZ Score: 7 out of 10
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