Hailing from Athens, Attica – Greece. Corax B.M. Founded in 2021. We’ve had the honor to interview the band. Discussing the debut full length along with other topics related to the their inspiration as a band their writing process and more.
First I want to discuss the name of the band, Corax B.M. Any reason you chose this specific name and how does it tie in with the overall concept of your music?
The name Corax is my Nickname. I always wanted to do a Black metal solo project, but I couldn’t play the drums. So I found a good drummer (Morker) and we started recording our first songs. Then Peisithanatos and Ennea came, and we became a solid band under the name CoraxBM. Corax in Greek means Crow and I can’t imagine something more dark and Black than this beautiful bird has to offer. The concept of the band fits perfectly with our quote that darkness flies high.
You recently released your debut full length titled “Pagana” although I didn’t understand the lyrics as most of them are in your native language, Greek. The music itself speaks many words. The atmosphere and the influences of traditional Hellenic BM, Early Rotting Christ and Necromantia come to mind. I believe you recorded this album with 2 bass guitars. One 6 string and a 4 string, which also reminds me of Necromantia. Yet, you retain your personality throughout. You described your music as Pagan Black Metal with influences of Thrash and Hardcore. I want to discuss the concept or vision of the album. Is there anything you would like to share regarding this?
Yes, of course. As you mentioned previously, the lyrics are mostly in Greek. The specific reason is that I can express the feelings of the band better in my native language. No problem with English, though. We are an open-minded band, and that’s why we decided to use a Vi Bass guitar and a 4-string bass on the Pagana album. I and Peisithanatos we are bassists, and we felt that with these instruments it is like singing in our native language. Of course, we are Greeks. And of course, we love Necromantia and Rotting Christ, but we have many Punk and Hardcore influences too from the Greek Punk H/C scene. We think that we have achieved that Pagan feeling as we sang in our language and the 2 basses give a darker and heavier riff and lead sound. Of course, the additional vocals of Ennea in the album make the difference.
What goes into your creative process as a band?
Simple things, my friend. I have an idea, a riff for example. When Peisithanatos visits me for a beer we take the Vi basses and I start riffing and he starts leading. We don’t trouble our minds very much. If the riff is good and the lead fits here we go… We like to have our minds and souls free. Black Metal gives you the freedom to do whatever you want under the black Veil.
What are some of your inspirations musically and lyrically?
From the music, we get plenty of inspiration. Such as Hellenic BM, Scandinavian BM, Punk and Hardcore and for me, a lot of Old Sepultura stuff. But I have to say that we owe much to the Greek traditional songs that inspired me for the Lyrics. Ok, as a BM band we will discuss Christ and Satan about Lucifer and Prometheas but believe me my friend…. There are stories in the Greek villages (myths and spells) that are also very dark and creepy… Pagana song says such stories…
Were you always interested in creating black metal or did you have any other explorations before this?
I had some other bands and projects before CoraxBM (not BM) and also Peisithanatos. For Morker, CoraxBM is his first band. Morker is a Metalcore drummer and his influences are from that style. My background is from various genres. In my early age (12-20) I was into Punk H/C Thrash etc. In my 20s to 30s I became a Gothic Metaller. And life’s difficult experiences and hard moments brought me to BM 13 years ago and now in my 43 years of age, I feel that I found a great musical place to be. Peisithanatos also has played in plenty of bands with different styles. We are Black Metallers in heart and soul, but we appreciate good music even if it is not Metal.
Is Corax B.M a studio project or are there any plans to play live?
We are a live band. For our e.p Spread the Occult, we performed 4 times live. On the first of March, we have a live presentation of our album Pagana in Athens. And, of course, if we are invited to other venues and places to present our work, we will be glad to do it. We enjoy playing our music live, but not every week …or month. After all, we are a Black Metal band, and we think that 5 to most 10 live performances per year are excellent for us.
What are some future plans for the band?
As I said before, we have a live presentation on the 1st of March in Athens. And after this, we’ll play some other gigs to promote our music. And not only in Greece. We will find gigs in Germany, Poland, Holland, Belgium, Austria, and Bulgaria. And, of course, if some other countries want us to go.
Thank you for accepting this interview. Any final words you would like to share?
Thank you for having us.
No to stereotypes
Black Metal is freedom!!!
Your Thoughts?
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Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/CoraxB.M/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/coraxbm/
Bandcamp : https://coraxbmthecircle.bandcamp.com/album/pagana
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0taoRitYPctZQO8GdXAOAl