
Review: Silhouette — Les Dires de L'âme

Review: Silhouette — Les Dires de L’âme

Silhouette, a French Black Metal band, just released their first full album titled Les dires de l’âme. Here are our thoughts.
Kristailer - In the Hearts of the Brave

Kristailer – In the Hearts of the Brave

Medieval atmosphere and melodic riffs is the great gift from Kristailer, join us in our review of their album In the Hearts of the Brave!
Review: 1349 — The Wolf & The King

Review: 1349 — The Wolf & The King

The Norwegian black metal band 1349 is back with their 8th full album, The Wolf & The King. Here is our
Review: Trelldom — the shadows...

Review: Trelldom — …by the shadows…

Kilian ventures into the forest while listening to the new Trelldom. Will he find his way back or have Gaahl &
Review: Modern Rites - Endless

Review: Modern Rites – Endless

Kili made sure to get himself into the right frame of mind before digging into this excellent album by Modern Rites.


Review: Nemesis Sopor - Firmament

Review: Nemesis Sopor – Firmament

Nemesis Sopor released their 4th album titled Firmament, here is its review …
Vault Review: Cult Of Eibon - Black Flame Dominion

Vault Review: Cult Of Eibon – Black Flame Dominion

Cult Of Eibon released their album Black Flame Dominion upon the world 2021, let’s dive into the Vault in this review and talk about why you need to check this …
Vault Review: Ved Buens Ende – Written in Waters

Vault Review: Ved Buens Ende – Written in Waters

When Norwegian Black Metal was just breaking through, these guys choose to break away. Read our thorough deep dive into the …
Album cover Blackbraid 1

Review: Blackbraid – Blackbraid I

Eagerly anticipated full album by Blackbraid. Does it live up to all the hype? We sure believe so …
Vault Review: Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas

Vault Review: Mayhem – De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas

De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas is one of the most legendary black metal albums out there, we wrote a review for the …


Interview: GJENDØD

Interview: GJENDØD

“Check out our music or die!” ~ KK
Interview: Furze – Caw Entrance

Interview: Furze – Caw Entrance

Crown of Rebellion discusses Furze’s latest album with the main man Woe J. Reaper himself. Join their deep dive into the world of psych black metal.
Evilcult band, line-up of 2022

Interview: Evilcult – Brazilian Black Metal

Hailing from the extreme South of Brazil, Evilcult is a band formed in 2016 that follows the path of their fellow
Widertod interview black metal promotion

Interview: Widertod (GER)

Recently, I was flabbergasted by the debut EP from Widertod and had to write a short review for it, but now
Interview: Aegrus

Interview: Aegrus

We had an exclusive interview with Lux Tenebris and Darkseer Inculta, about their band Aegrus and what drives their music.

Digging Deeper

Digging Deeper: Colombia

Digging Deeper: Colombia

We called in an expert when it comes to Colombian extreme metal to dig up some of the most occult black metal from this amazing country.
Digging Deeper: Ireland Pt.1

Digging Deeper: Ireland Pt.1

Ireland, a land rich with culture and heritage, also has a proper black metal scene. We dug deep into the soil under the potatoes and uncovered some hidden gems.
Digging Deeper: Norway Pt.3

Digging Deeper: Norway Pt.3

We’re back with the 3rd attempt at getting to the bottom of the Norwegian underground. Will we find nothing but coal
Digging Deeper: The Netherlands, Pt.1

Digging Deeper: The Netherlands, Pt.1

Tulips, Dykes, and a country so flat even a flat earther won’t believe it. Let’s dig deeper and find some hidden
Digging Deeper: Norway Pt.2

Digging Deeper: Norway Pt.2

Second part in our dig into the Norwegian black metal soil. Join us in discovering more underground excellence.