We focus on reviewing black metal we find interesting & want to share with the community. If you love an album (not older than 6 months) and you want to review it, you can submit your own review.
If you have music you would like us to review, see contact details here.
Review: Zéro Absolu — La Saignée
Adventerous Frenchmen formerly known as Glacation is back with the debut under new moniker, Zéro Absolu. Our newest editon to our team, N.O dips his toes in these murky waters.
Review: Ande — De Schemering van Werelden
Ande a black metal solo project out of Belgium, releases its fifth album De Schemering van Werelden (The Twilight of Worlds). Here is our review.
Review: Vrag — Rendületlenül
Vrag is back with a new album. We reviewed Roland Neubauer latest album Rendületlenül. You can read more here.
The best Black Metal releases of 2024
The best black metal releases of 2024 according to the writers of BMZ. There are many more worth mentioning, but these are our favourites.
Review: Veenlijk — Galgenberg
Veenlijk a black metal outfit from Amersfoort, The Netherlands, will release their first EP on the 23rd of January, here is our review.
Review: Molh — Deus
Molh a black metal outfit from Ukraine, released their first full album Deus. We gave it a review, you can read more here.
Review: Gorgon — For Those Who Stay
Gorgon, the black metal outfit out of France, is back! Their new album For Those Who Stay will be released on 29th of November, here are our thoughts.
Review: Svarttjern — Draw Blood
Svarttjern the Norwegian black metal band is back and is ready to Draw Blood! We reviewed their latest album and are ready to share our thoughts on it.
Review: Vixenta – The Oubliette
Vixenta is a two — piece Black Metal Band from Australia with their main influences being Emperor and others, we reviewed their latest work, The Oubliette.
Review: Asgrauw — Oorsprong
Asgrauw takes Kili on a dark and mysterious journey. Read his thoughts on their latest album here.
Review: Deus Mortem — Thanatos
Polish black metal band Dues Mortem is back with their third album, Thanatos. We are back from his domain and are ready to share our thoughts.
Review: Kreyl — Obscure Rise of Ancient Eulogy
Kreyl, a new black metal band from Spain, released Obscure Rise of Ancient Eulogy onto the world. We reviewed it and here are our thoughts.
Review: Gravenoire — Devant la Porte des Étoiles
The French black metal scene spawned a new band into existence. It bares the name Gravenoire, and just released a debut EP titled Devant la porte des étoiles.
Review: Ars Veneficium — The Lurking Shadows of Death
The Belgian black metal scene, delivers once again. This time it’s the new album The Lurking Shadows of Death by Ars Veneficium. We reviewed it and here are our thoughts on it.
Review: Bötes Void – Vagrant
Bötes Void blends ambient music with their cosmic inspired atmospheric black metal. Let Strider guide you through to the other side of this black hole in his review here.