Band: Molh
Album : Deus
Genre: Atmospheric Black Metal
Country: Ukraine
Label: Independent / Unsigned
Released: November 22nd 2024
Molh (spoken Molch) is an atmospheric Black Metal Band from Ukraine. There is not a lot more information about them as they keep it to them, self. My introduction to them only happened some 2 weeks ago when they liked something of my band and I started to check them out. I was very surprised about what I stumbled upon, so buckle up because this will be a wild ride.
Deus is the firs full-length release of this band and is as really great mix between Atmospheric Black Metal and DSBM, but more to that in the song-specific paragraphs.
- Blood on the Wheat Fields
- Shadows of the Forgotten Forest
- The Witch’s Curse at Dusk
- From the Depths of the Black River
- Iron Roots, Iron Hearts
- Beneath the Carpathian Moon
- Haunted by the Mavka’s Eyes
- Коли поля стануть червоними (eng. When the fields turn Red)
Blood on what fields, the opening track, starts with a crying voice and some haunting melodic guitars before the actual vocals start. The crying is a grief reminder of what’s currently going on in their homeland and the world in general, and I sincerely hope the guys are more or less safe in those difficult times. Coming back to the song, the overall production is really fitting for Atmospheric Black Metal, pushing the vocals a bit more into the background without becoming inaudible. The drums blast over like machine gun fire and the guitars play a beautiful, fitting chord progression.
The 5th track, Iron Roots, Iron Hearts is really Doom’ish in the beginning with some haunting clean tremolo picking before continuing in that AHAB, KATATONIA like pounding rhythm. A great opening riff to a song titled like that. The vocals again are just punishing screams, a bit reminiscent of fellow Ukrainian greats like KHORS or DRUDKH. Out of nowhere, in the middle of the song, the drums turn back to machine gun mode. The overall mood of the song switches to a really punishing aggressive war chant before ending in the same riff as the opening.
Haunted by Mavkas eyes tells the story of someone being followed by a Ukrainian folk legend, being Mavka the protector of Nature and forests as well as all beings living there. A great story covering the toxic traits of humanity being unable to live in peace with nature and being egoistic with claiming more and more ground for themselves. The song itself is again more rolling mid-tempo riffs and drums which puts you into a darker atmosphere.
Коли поля стануть червоними (eng. When the fields turn Red) is just full speed from the beginning, a great track to end a nearly perfect Album. Being the only track sung in Ukrainian, I needed to make some use of my wife to translate it for me. But I wish that Molh created more songs in their native tongue, as it sets themselves apart from the majority of Bands and gives me another reason to finally learn more of that beautiful language.
From just coming across them by a lucky coincidence to listening to them on the way to my rehearsal, I can only say what a great ride that was. Creating such a masterpiece in dark times like that really showcases what great musicians they are. If you can, please support them so we can get even more of their great Music.
BMZ rating: 9 – Excellent: This is a standout album with superb talent and creativity. It’s impactful, memorable, and likely to be celebrated within the black metal genre.
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