
Review: Zéro Absolu — La Saignée

Review: Zéro Absolu — La Saignée

Adventerous Frenchmen formerly known as Glacation is back with the debut under new moniker, Zéro Absolu. Our newest editon to our team, N.O dips his toes in these murky waters.
Review: Ande — De Schemering van Werelden

Review: Ande — De Schemering van Werelden

Ande a black metal solo project out of Belgium, releases its fifth album De Schemering van Werelden (The Twilight of Worlds). Here is our review.
Review: Vrag — Rendületlenül

Review: Vrag — Rendületlenül

Vrag is back with a new album. We reviewed Roland Neubauer latest album Rendületlenül. You can read more here.

The best Black Metal releases of 2024

The best black metal releases of 2024 according to the writers of BMZ. There are many more worth mentioning, but these
Review: Veenlijk — Galgenberg

Review: Veenlijk — Galgenberg

Veenlijk a black metal outfit from Amersfoort, The Netherlands, will release their first EP on the 23rd of January, here is


Review: Vixenta - The Oubliette

Review: Vixenta – The Oubliette

Vixenta is a two — piece Black Metal Band from Australia with their main influences being Emperor and others, we reviewed their latest work, The Oubliette …
Review: Necrophobic — In the Twilight Grey

Review: Necrophobic — In the Twilight Grey

We reviewed the latest album by Necrophobic titled In the Twilight Grey, time to dive into their history and share our thoughts in this review …
Review: Askon - Sacred Silence

Review: Askon – Sacred Silence

The music is as great as the album cover! Come read our review of the new released album Sacred Silence by …
Shagrath - Dimmu Borgir at Inferno Metal Festival 2024

Inferno Metal Festival: Setting Easter Ablaze!

Inferno Metal Festival is a well renowned festival around the world, We went to check it out for the very first …
Review: Towards Hellfire - Death upon the Holy Throne

Review: Towards Hellfire – Death upon the Holy Throne

Death upon the Holy Throne, the debut album by Towards Hellfire is out and here is it’s review …


Absolute creator of Teitan

Interview: TEITAN – In Oculus Abyss

We had an interview with TEITAN from the Netherlands. Take a deep dive into the mind of Devi Hisgen.
Widertod interview black metal promotion

Interview: Widertod (GER)

Recently, I was flabbergasted by the debut EP from Widertod and had to write a short review for it, but now it’s time to ask some questions. Read more in this interview.
Interview: Labyrinthus Stellarum

Interview: Labyrinthus Stellarum

We interviewed the gentlemen from Labyrinthus Stellarum, so get ready for a cosmic journey.
Interview: GJENDØD

Interview: GJENDØD

“Check out our music or die!” ~ KK
Interview: Corax B.M

Interview: Corax B.M

We had the opportunity to interview Greek Black Metal band Corax B.M. So grab a black coffee and enjoy the read.

Digging Deeper

Digging Deeper: Colombia

Digging Deeper: Colombia

We called in an expert when it comes to Colombian extreme metal to dig up some of the most occult black metal from this amazing country.
Digging Deeper: Ireland Pt.1

Digging Deeper: Ireland Pt.1

Ireland, a land rich with culture and heritage, also has a proper black metal scene. We dug deep into the soil under the potatoes and uncovered some hidden gems.
Digging Deeper: Norway Pt.3

Digging Deeper: Norway Pt.3

We’re back with the 3rd attempt at getting to the bottom of the Norwegian underground. Will we find nothing but coal
Digging Deeper: The Netherlands, Pt.1

Digging Deeper: The Netherlands, Pt.1

Tulips, Dykes, and a country so flat even a flat earther won’t believe it. Let’s dig deeper and find some hidden
Digging Deeper: Norway Pt.2

Digging Deeper: Norway Pt.2

Second part in our dig into the Norwegian black metal soil. Join us in discovering more underground excellence.