Review: Vrag — Rendületlenül

Band: Vrag
Album: Rendületlenül
Genre: Black Metal
Country: Hungary
Label: Filosofem Records
Released: 18th of November 2024


Vrag is a one-man band from Hungary, the person behind the project is Roland Neubauer, creative mastermind behind WitcheR and Frozen Wreath. Both are bands I like, I was only familiar with the band because of the last album Harcom which was released in 2021.

3 years later and it’s time for a new instalment, in the already impressive line-up of albums made by Ronald. So let’s see what got conjured up this time.


Rendületlenül is Hungarian for steadfastly (if translated correctly) and that’s a great album title for a band and band member that releases one good album after the other. This album contains 6 new tracks with a runtime of 39 minutes.


  1. Rendületlenül
  2. Egyedül a világ ellen
  3. Árny vagyok
  4. Él a múlt
  5. Ahol az érték megsemmisül
  6. Önmegtagadás

For me personally, 39 minutes for 6 tracks is a bit long, as said before, and I’ll keep repeating this until the end of time, I have the attention span of a mosquito. So albums need to be fast-paced and not that long to keep me focused enough. But with this kind of black metal (the Atmospheric kind) it tends to be a long journey. So took a few breaths, calmed my mind down and gave the album a few good listens.

And what I heard I liked. The vocals of Ronald are as always great, they sound icy and that’s the kind of vocal I prefer, the rest of the album music wise is also put together well.

My favorite track of the album is the last track Önmegtagadás that track has it all. The drums that keep going (I’m not sure, but they could be programmed, which is fine if done properly and to my ears that’s the case). The vocals of Roland are cold and dark, it pulls the track together, this track stands out over the other tracks for me.


So what do I think about this new album by Vrag? It’s a decent album, and it all fits, is it an album of the year contender (this was written at the end of the year, but will be published in the new year), no it’s not, but that’s fine. I enjoyed it and, as always, Roland delivered a solid black metal album with great atmospheric influences. It’s a tad too long for my liking, but that’s personal taste. I just hope he will be making music for a long time to come because in the end, all the works are good or even great.

BMZ Rating: 7 – Good: A solid and enjoyable album overall. It boasts strong songwriting and performance quality, delivering a cohesive and satisfying listen.

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